Links to Other Resources
These are some selected resources for the aviation RC enthusiast.

HobbyTown (St. George)
An all-around hobby store with extensive supplies for RC aviation
215 W St. George Blvd, St. George, UT 84770
(435) 429-6936

Gorilla Hobbies
An aviation RC-focused hobby store stocked to the ceiling with all the supplies you need.
225 N Bluff St, #19, St. George, UT 84770
(435) 656-5599

This is the tool used to communicate with members of Remote Possibilities.

The Academy of Model Aeronautics
This is the national organization for support of model aviation of all types.

Federal Aviation Administration - Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
The FAA has jurisdiction over the National Airspace System in which we fly. As such, there a some rules and regulations with which we as operators of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), or "drones," must be familiar.

TRUST (The Recreational UAS Safety Test)
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) is what the FAA calls our model aircraft, also referred to as "drones." In order to comply with AMA/FAA safety requirements, all pilots of UAS are to have basic knowledge of the National Airspace System (NAS). The AMA is a test administrator for TRUST. This is a no-fail, multiple choice test, intended as a learning tool to provide the desired knowledge.

Desert Fox Flyers
This is a club in nearby Mesquite, NV.

Cedar City Radio Control Club
This is a club in nearby Cedar City, UT.

RC Groups
A web site devoted to all types of radio control. Includes forums, magazine, blogs, classifieds, etc.

RC Universe
A web site devoted to all types of radio control. Includes forums, magazine, blogs, classifieds, etc. Similar to RC Groups.